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BoB premiered at the BrandEx Awards 2021


Logo_BrandEx“Best of BrandEx” ranking allows comparison of creative achievements across all award years

On 3 March 2021 the curtain went up for the BrandEx Awards ceremony 2021 with lots of surprises for the guests. Among other highlights, this year’s hybrid award-giving event themed “An Evening among Friends” saw the premiere of the BoB, the Best of the Best ranking of the BrandEx Awards. The host and master of ceremonies at the Berlin event location Spreespeicher was Aljoscha Höhn.

The BoB ranking, which started with the first BrandEx year 2019, makes it possible to compare the quality of submissions across all award years. It is based on a points system and is derived directly from the jury evaluations. Each year, the prestigious jury members can award up to 1,000 points to each submission. The BoB ranking allows an identification of the differences in the levels of creative achievement across all award years.

The ranking already provides an excellent overview and comparison of award-winning projects. A results list of all BrandEx years is available on the BrandEx website, but for the first time this year, the list also includes accumulated numbers from the three previous BrandEx Awards years. The “BoB” ranking as “List of All-Time Bests” will from now on be published on an annual basis.

All entries on the shortlist and all winners receive points. The BrandEx year 2021 considers winning submissions only. As the year was dominated by the challenges of the pandemic, the organisers decided not to produce a shortlist but to only distinguish between winners and non-winners. The 38 award-winning entries to the BrandEx Awards 2021 received 750 points or more.

In total, 101 submissions were made to the competition. The awards honoured outstanding live communication projects in five winner clusters: Architecture, Planning/Craft/Production, Crossmedia, Event and Formats. Unlike in the past, the award ceremony on 3 March 2021 did not see the awarding of gold, silver or bronze trophies. All award winners received the BrandEx Special Award in white for their successful projects.

Based on the data available from the BrandEx Awards so far, the following Top Ten Ranking lists the most successful submissions of the last three years:

1.    “The Macallan Visitor Experience”, entrant Atelier Brückner GmbH, 2019, category: Best Brand Architecture, 905 points

2.    “OBI Wohnen & Interieur 2019”, entrant Framework GmbH, 2020, category: Best Stand S, 880 points

3.    “BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight”, entrant Vok Dams Events GmbH, 2020, category: Best Live PR, 879 points

4.    “Swarovski Light Festival”, entrant insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH, category: Best Festival, 2021, 875 points

5.    “Der schöne Wahnsinn” for Palmberg Büroeinrichtungen + Service, entrant Voss+Fischer GmbH, category: Best Stand L, 2019, 874 points

6.    “kinder® Ice Cream Frozen Store”, entrant fischerAppelt, live marketing GmbH, category: Best Store Concept, 2020, 869 points

7.    “Vision Urbanetic World Premiere”, entrant Oliver Schrott Kommunikation GmbH, 2019, category: Best Live PR, 868 points

8.    “Ledvance-New Next Level”, entrant Studio Bachmannkern GmbH, 2019, category: Best Stand L867, 867 points

8.    “Sounds of Silence” for Museum für Kommunikation Bern, entrant idee und klang GmbH, 2020, category: Best Thematic Exhibition, 867 points

9.    “Samsung Windows into the Future”, entrant Cheil Germany GmbH, 2020, category: Best Brand Activation, 866 points

10.  “WOW Museum – Room for Illusions”, entrant Aroma AG, 2021, category: Best Brand Architecture, 853.8 points

Another ranking can be derived now from the BoB list, which is the point total per entrant of the BrandEx Awards. The ranking of the most successful entrants is as follows:

1.    Cheil Germany GmbH, 6,494 points

2.    fischerAppelt, live marketing GmbH, 4,781.75 points

3.    jn jangled nerves GmbH, 4,682.6 points

4.    insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH, 4,567 points

5.    Studio Bachmannkern GmbH, 3,989.2 points

6.    Pure Perfektion GmbH, 3,774 points

7.    Atelier Brückner GmbH, 3,289 points

8.    Aroma AG, 3,278.6 points

9.    Atelier Brückner GmbH, 2,978 points

10.  Schachzug – Agentur für Markenkommunikation GmbH, 2,399.5 points

The complete list will be published soon on the website

Caption: Logo BrandEx (illustration: BrandEx)

International Festival of Brand Experience
With the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), the initiators BlachReport, Messe Dortmund, FAMAB and Studieninstitut für Kommunikation are creating an exclusive platform for event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade fair industry, architecture and live communication – nationally and internationally. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects in the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

International Festival of Brand Experience
Contact: Larissa Klegraf + Dennis Bredtmann
Phone: +49 52 42 94 54-30/-26

BlachReport/AktivMedia GmbH, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e. V., Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH

Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Strobelallee 45, 44139 Dortmund, Germany

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