Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat introduces the ultra-compact UPstage and UPplus rigging hoists

Movecat introduces the ultra-compact UPstage and UPplus rigging hoists


Movecat_upStage_webNew in the Movecat range are the ultra-compact rigging hoists UPstage and UPplus, which are designed respectively for D8 and D8 Plus applications. Although equipped with a fully enclosed metal housing furnished with two robust handles and an Easyplate chain guide, the UPstage 500-4 weighs a mere 29, and the UPplus a mere 30, kilograms — 18 metres of chain in each case included! The robust chain container with its flap mechanism is an especially practical feature.

Constructed for professional use, the 400 V/3-phase/50 Hz rigging hoists allow the safe lifting of loads of up to 500 kg at 4 m/min (in the case of the UPstage) and of 250 kg at 4 m/min (in the case of the UPplus), the former being equipped with one and the latter with two DC brakes. Operation is possible without conversion in either climbing or standard installation positions.

UPstage and UPplus are supplied as standard with an H07RN-F connector cable and a 4-Pin CEE plug. Movecat can also offer the option of a version with a 2-track geared limit switch, incremental encoder and load-measuring module. X²  and RC versions are already in preparation.

Caption: Movecat Upstage rigging hoists (photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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