Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat BASIC-C system controller from Movecat with high functionality

BASIC-C system controller from Movecat with high functionality


MovecatBasic-CwebWith the launch of the practice-friendly BASIC-C system controller, the I-Motion Basic family from Movecat has gained a new member. The device, which is in desk format and furnished with a hand rest for greater comfort, is equipped with an integrated dynamic control lever with dead-man functionality and ratio control, a 10.4″ RGB touch screen and an input keyboard. Further sensible features include a User ID card reader and an uninterrupted power supply module offering effective protection against power outages.

The BASIC-C controller is particularly recommended for small to medium-sized kinetic BGV C1 and SIL 3 production environments in which regulated Vario drives and control of the show by means of a dynamic drive lever are desired. Two I-Net outputs allow connection to the network. External keyboards and other input devices such as a mouse or trackball can be connected via the three USB ports provided. A VGA output is provided for an external monitor.

Caption: Movecat’s Basic-C  (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG,
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Andrew Abele

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