Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat presents low voltage control versions of its rigging hoists

Movecat presents low voltage control versions of its rigging hoists


MovecatPLUSliteRC_webAmong the highlights on the Movecat stand at this year’s Prolight + Sound were low voltage control versions of its D8 and D8 Plus rigging hoists. These variants on the ECOlite, PLUSlite, COMPACT and PLUS-C series can be controlled with commonly available low-voltage controllers and integrated very simply into existing systems.

The RC versions of Movecat’s rigging hoists come with an electronics board housing all the requisite components, including a 24-volt DC power supply, and can be employed directly or, as an option, in connection with a dual-track geared limit switch. Both the RC board and the optional geared limit switch feature the tried-and-tested TLI (traffic light) system popularized by Movecat’s V series to ensure that operating statuses are displayed in an unambiguous way.

All market-standard plug-in connector systems and assignments are available. An RC kit is available as an upgrade for existing DC hoists. The low-voltage control versions of the Movecat rigging hoists offer a CEE 16 A 4-pin (male red) power input as well as a 24 V DC remote output/input implemented as a CEE 4-pin (female yellow) or Harting 6-Multipin in combination with the power input.

Caption: The Movecat PLUSlite RC rigging hoist (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

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