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Estrel Berlin banks on Movecat’s kinetic know-how


estrel_aussenansicht_webExtensive D8 Plus and load monitoring system for Europe’s largest convention hotel complex

The Estrel Berlin is currently Europe’s largest convention and entertainment hotel complex.

For the diverse requirement profiles of a multitude of events – the Estrel is capable of accommodating everything from focussed meetings and trade fairs to lavishly produced formats such as gala evenings and product presentations – a flexible events infrastructure is required.

The media equipment in the Estrel satisfies the most exacting demands. The events areas of the building are equipped with the latest equipment. Strict compliance with the totality of applicable standards and safety regulations is the watchword here at all times. “In Movecat,” says Events Technical Director Thomas Herzberg,” we have found the right partner in terms of innovation, flexibility and conformity. Together, we were able to elaborate a solution perfectly adapted to the requirements of the Estrel. Our objectives were to ensure that we were perfectly equipped to meet the demands of future events, to satisfy the safety requirements of every conceivable application – taking into account, in particular, the increasing frequency of indeterminate load systems – and to do so without any compromises in terms of handling and operability.”

The high-tech smithy from Nufringen in Baden-Württemberg has delivered for the Estrel several top products from its extensive range to arm the Estrel’s Events Department for future challenges. In all, forty-eight dual-chain fall Movecat PLUS² 1000 chain hoists complying with D8 Plus, with two-track geared limit switches and active self-monitoring as well as dynamic LME load-measuring systems integrated into the suspension eyelets, have now been added to the Estrel’s array of media equipment for events, governed by one 8-unit MPC 4ID8 controller rack, a 16-unit MPC 4ID8 controller rack and a 24-unit MPC 4ID8 controller rack. Rounding off the system is a PC-based load monitoring system that evaluates load events round the clock and records them to the second, providing detailed documentation not only on screen but also in the shape of a PDF file. The evaluation can be performed and documented as many as 90 days after the event.

The solution supplied meets in full the requirements of IGVW SQ P2 for statically determinate and indeterminate load systems.

Perfect conditions are in place for rigging and for the safe installation of media equipment. The ten-metre-high ceiling in the Estrel’s Convention Centre, for example, is furnished with several girders along different axes, with both fixed and moveable suspension points, to which a very wide variety of truss systems including circular solutions can be mounted. Thanks to these, and the versatility of the kinetic equipment from Movecat, a high degree of flexibility is assured for rigging operations.

The four-star luxury hotel boasts over a thousand rooms, five restaurants, three bars and a total events area of around 15,000 square metres for the widest variety of event formats with up to 6,000 guests.

Caption: Hotel Estrel (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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