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Flexible LED Wall from XL Video at 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall


BrgerfestBerlin_webOver one million visitors came to the German capital on the weekend of 9 November to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall in Berlin. One of the many highlights of the events planned to celebrate this occasion was the festival held at the Brandenburg Gate. Here the focal point – besides stars such as Udo Lindenberg, Peter Gabriel, Clueso and the Fantastischen Vier – was a gigantic LED video wall from XL Video.

XL Video provided a 315-square-meter large LED surface consisting of Radiant MC18T components at the request of Mediapool Veranstaltungs-Service GmbH. During the various artists’ shows, the wall was used in different configurations: from one large LED wall with dimensions of 28,800 x 10,800 mm (24 x 9 Touring Frames) it was changed into six movable single screens of 4 x 9 Touring Frames each. This flexible solution was made possible through the combination of tailor-made Touring Frames from XL Video and the innovative tracking system from the Belgian kinetic experts WIcreations.

Denis Papin, Managing Director of XL Video in Germany, remarked: “We are very glad that we could be a part of this historic show by providing the video walls required by Mediapool. The event was broadcast around the world. We could help make sure that all viewers could participate in the occasion.”

Caption: Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall (Photo: Ralph Larmann Company/XL Video)

XL Video GmbH
XL Video is an internationally renowned supplier of large-image video equipment for events with its German base in Oststeinbek near Hamburg and two other offices in Düsseldorf and Nürtingen near Stuttgart. The Managing Directors in Germany are Denis Papin and Thorsten Lipp.

XL Video GmbH
Bergstücken 11
22113 Oststeinbek
Contact: Denis Papin, Thorsten Lipp

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