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Ruhrtriennale relies on kinetic solutions from Movecat


Ruhrtriennale_Le_SacreIn the course of this year’s Ruhrtriennale festival, Kultur Ruhr GmbH staged a musical/theatrical production of Le Sacre du Printemps in the Gebläsehalle Duisburg, once the blasting hall of the Thyssen iron and steel works. The leitmotif of the lavish production was the “artistic” use of machines, which involved at one point dumping bone ash onto a surface 10 x 23 metres in extent. To make this installation possible, six mobile truss grids were used for the mounting of a total of 37 machines along with additional trusses for the luminaires, curtain rails, projection foils and protective canopies.

As a screen against the resulting dust, the client installed a dust protection cabin made from prefabricated tarpaulins that encompassed the entire stage area as well as the machine rigging. For the realization of this sophisticated design, the organizers relied upon professional kinetic solutions from Movecat.

For the project, two lengths of 50mm and 60mm four-point trussing served initially as a pre-rig. These were suspended from three new stock bridges as well as one of the hall’s old crane bridges. To complement the bridges, two additional lengths of 100mm heavy duty four-point trussing had to be placed on the crane tracks. Two 30mm four-point trusses in each case ten metres long consolidated the integrity of the structure where the bridging trusses met the existing bridges. The ten points of attachment of the lengths of pre-rigging  to the stock bridges were realized with the help of 40mm four-point trusses in each case one or two metres long. These were simply placed on the existing main girders of the bridges.

The twenty-four Movecat Pluslite 1000-4 motorized chain hoists, each with a safe working load of 1t and complying with the D+ standard, were deployed as ceiling hoists in the pre-rigging stretches, to which six small-scale truss grids composed of 40mm four-point trusses were firmly attached. For the mounting of the protective tarpaulins, curtain rails and luminaires, on each side of the stage area five D8+ Pluslite 500-4 hoists with safe working loads of 0.5t were mounted on 24metre  lengths of 40mm four-point trussing. These electric chain hoists were fixed to existing suspension points beneath the work galleries. In front of and behind the machine area, additional ten- to eleven-metre lengths of 30mm and 40mm trussing were attached — in some cases to D8+ chain hoists.

For the implementation of the foil framework, the organizers constructed a truss frame 10.4 metres high and 6.4 metres wide composed of 30mm four-edge elements. These accommodated the clear foil prior to its being lifted into place by ancillary motors. The twenty-four D8+ 1t Movecat hoists were equipped with Movecat LMS-M load-measuring cells connected to LMS LC8B controllers to provide the desired visualization and safety monitoring of the loads.

Caption: Le Sacre du Printemps in the Gebläsehalle Duisburg (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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