Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Professional load monitoring for stage and studio with the Movecat LoCo LCS

Professional load monitoring for stage and studio with the Movecat LoCo LCS


MovecatLoCoLCS_webMovecat, the specialist in kinetic solutions for stage and studio, is presenting in the LoCo LCS a shackle version of its active load-measuring sensors. Among the most impressive features of the new device are highly sophisticated sensory elements and a unique test and calibration system.

In most respects, the LoCo LCS units are standard load shackles and can be used as such. The essential difference lies in their special load-measuring pins, which are made from a special high-quality steel, and feature integrated active measuring system with sensory elements. These determine the forces applied by the suspended loads and transmit the data to electronic processors that are also integrated.

Depending upon the model, the rated loads range from 3.25 to 4.75 metric tons. Currently three models are available:
LCS-AX – the simplest model, which is based on the LMS-M series with analogue signal transmission according to the industry standard (4-20 mA)
LCS-DX – with digital and 4-20 mA analogue outputs and an integrated storage battery
LCS-RF – offering a choice of radio or digital cable operating modes as well as an integrated storage battery The transceiver radio module operates in the 868 MHz ISM band and is EU approved.

Thanks to their integrated storage batteries and Wake-On-Radio functionality, the DX and RF models can operate autonomously for up to 30 days. The unique test and calibration system featured by all versions has the decisive advantage that the self-testing can be performed without detaching the load.

The load-measuring sensors of the LCS series in this shackle version are suitable for professional load monitoring and rigging applications in the trade fair, events, theatre, studio and touring sectors and comply with the highest safety standards.

Caption: The LoCo LCS system from Movecat (Photo: Think Abele, may be published freely provided the source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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