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Kinetic equipment from Movecat for art installation at the Ruhrtriennale


Kultur_Ruhr_urbane_Knste_wellcome_Installation_Volker_Hartmann_web„well,come“ graces Dortmund docklands

The walk-on installation „well, come“ in the Dortmund docklands, created for the Ruhrtriennale 2016 festival of the arts, takes as its subject the currents that travel around the world: raw materials, data, financial services and goods as well as the massive migratory movements driven by wars and the economic struggle for survival.  Produced by Urbane Künste Ruhr as a contribution to the Ruhrtriennale 2016, the installation seeks to re-examine the everyday urban experience. The multimedia installation by the group „osa_office for subversive architecture“ can be experienced until 24 September 2016 on the premises of the steel-processing centre SAZ Dortmund.

The „art trips“ in a heather violet coloured walk-on sculpture made of steel involve hoisting visitors almost to the roof of a factory building, where,  hovering in the air, they become part of a sound and video performance. For the implementation, two VMK-S-250 dual chainfall hoists and four V-Motion 40 variable motion power packs – in each case from Movecat – were used.

Caption: The walk-on art installation „well,come“ (the appended photo may be used free of charge in the context only of editorial material concerning Urbane Künste Ruhr. Please note the copyright: Volker Hartmann/Urbane Künste Ruhr)

Movecat GmbH
Movecat is currently the only manufacturer of kinetic equipment for the stage anywhere in the world capable of offering practice-tested, certified and genuinely available integrated systems compliant with BGV C1 and SIL3 – these consisting of chain hoists, trolleys, winches, load-measurement systems and networks. The company was founded in 1986 by Andrew and Thomas Abele. Movecat products are both developed and manufactured in Germany. Kinetic solutions from Movecat are widely used in big-name national and international shows, tours and TV productions. In 2015, the company was awarded the VR Innovation Prize for Medium-Sized Companies by the cooperative financial group Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken.

Movecat GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
D-71154 Nufringen
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0)70 32 / 98 51-0

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