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K.M. Malik is LAX ambassador


linke.malikwebLAX PRO AUDIO, the manufacturer of high-end sound systems for the whole world, is now represented in the market by a new ambassador: K.M. Malik. In the international pro audio sector, K.M. Malik is something of an old hand and, having been the managing director of Studiomaster for many years, has a vast wealth of experience as well as list of contacts featuring a host of prominent names at his disposal. Malik, who has been in the business for around 35 years is now able to devote his time and know-how to the task of raising the market profile of LAX’s high-quality product range with the distributors.

K.M. Malik’s official title is that of “LAX Ambassador” – primarily to the countries of the European Union, where news of the commitment of as prominent a figure as Malik to a newcomer to the European market is sure to make industry insiders prick up their ears. The high-quality sound reinforcement solutions of LAX PRO AUDIO, with their combination of impressive sound and outstanding value for money, are distributed in Europe exclusively by B&K Braun.

Caption: Timon Linke of LAX (left) with K.M. Malik (photo: B&K Braun, may be reproduced freely)

B&K Braun GmbH
Since its foundation in 1977, B&K Braun GmbH has emerged as a wholesaler and manufacturer active worldwide in the events and entertainment industry. The company, which now employs a staff of more than 50 at its main site in Karlsbad bei Karlsruhe, recently moved into a modern multi-storey building with a large warehouse capacity, serving the international brands Global Truss, GLP, Green Hippo, GLUX, LAX, Botex, VARYTEC, Ehrgeiz und ignition, all of which form part of the B & K Braun portfolio.

B&K Braun GmbH
Contact: Dirk Gebhard
Industriestrasse 2
D-76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Phone +49 7248 / 912-100
Fax +49 7248 / 912-119


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