Start WP - Pressefächer ChainMaster New ChainMaster catalogue for 2014 is online

New ChainMaster catalogue for 2014 is online


Katalog-CoverwebChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH has published the online version of its new product catalogue for 2014. An up-to-date overview of the extensive ChainMaster range can therefore be obtained immediately by simple mouse click. Bilingual throughout (in English and German), it presents in the course of its 48 pages the electric chain hoists and chain-hoist controllers of the Eilenburg-based stage professionals.

Along with the tried-and-tested ChainMaster hoisting machines—the company is celebrating this year the 20th anniversary of its founding—a few brand new highlights are featured: the new rigging controllers for the D8/D8 Plus chain hoists now come either with direct control or in a low-voltage version. In addition, new stand-alone load display solutions are available. There are software updates, too, for the Load-2-Net load monitoring system, the SIL3 XYZ control system and the ProTouch StageOperator. Finally, ChainMaster’s standard portfolio of chain hoists has also been considerably expanded.

The new ChainMaster catalogue is available for immediate download in PDF format.
Here’s the link:

Caption: The new ChainMaster catalogue (photo: ChainMaster, may be reproduced freely)

ChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH
Uferstraße 23
D-04838 Eilenburg, Germany
Contact: Alexander Hartung
Phone : +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-0
Fax: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-99

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