Start WP - Pressefächer ChainMaster ChainMaster D8plus StageOperator

ChainMaster D8plus StageOperator


ChainMaster_8-ch_Controller_Serie_CM-850_webSmart & Safe

The D8plus StageOprator Series CM-850 has been developed for the safe setup-operation of chain hoists in direct control or low-voltage control. On the basis of its intuitive software and the integrated touchscreen the D8plus StageOperator offers a high level of operating comfort for mobile applications or in permanent fixed installations. The integration of load measuring cells ensures a secured operation according SQ P2.

The progressive network technology enables the configuration of chain hoist systems by a network integrated PC on browser-basis. Depending on the used operating unit up to eight systems sections with maximum 48 or 96 drives each can be configurated. To ensure an optimum overview the drives can be arranged on importable hall plans and CAD drawings. Beside a variety of various operating units with touchscreens up to 17” radio remote controls are available, too.

Photos: ChainMaster D8plus StageOperator

ChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH
Uferstraße 23
D-04838 Eilenburg, Germany
Contact: Alexander Hartung
Phone: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-0
Fax: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-21

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