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D8plus StageOperator Reference Projects


Installation-D8plus-KettenzSafe setup-operation according to SQ P2

The D8plus StageOperator Series CM-850 was developed for the safe setup-operation of chain hoists corresponding to SQ P2 in direct control or low-voltage control and was presented for the first time to the public at the Prolight & Sound 2016. On the basis of its intuitive software and the integrated touchscreen the D8plus StageOperator offers a high level of operating comfort for mobile applications or in permanent fixed installations. The integration of load measuring cells ensures a secured operation according SQ P2.

In addition to an overload value, which leads to a complete shutdown when reached, the user can also specify an additional warning range.  The applied load values are clearly shown on the displays of the motor controllers and operating units. In addition, you can switch to a diagram mode in which the load history is displayed graphically in real time. The modern network technology also allows the configuration of the equipment from a network integrated PC on a browser basis or remotely over the Internet. Depending on the operating unit used, up to eight system parts, each with a maximum of 48 or 96 drives, can be configured.

To ensure an optimal overview, the drives can be arranged on importable hall plans and CAD drawings, which can be imported into the control system via the integrated USB and EtherNet interfaces. Password management ensures different users access with flexible usage rights. In addition to a variety of different control units with touchscreens up to 17 „, radio control units are also available.

The first reference projects include the Effenaar Concert Hall in Eindhoven, Netherlands, and the Ballerup Superarena in Denmark. The Effenaar Concert Hall installed 52 D8plus chain hoists with bearing loads of 250 and 500kg. Each chain hoist is equipped with a 2-track gear limit switch, a load cell shackle and a 24VDC contactor control. For this project, a 17″ D8plus StageOperator controller station is used. In addition, a radio remote control with a 7″ touchscreen can be activated. The Ballerup Super Arena uses 40 chain hoists with a load of 500kg in accordance with D8plus, which include direct control with external limit switches and load measuring cells. The drives are controlled using a wireless console with a 17″ touch screen. Other reference projects include the City Forum in Euskirchen, the Congress and Exhibition Centre in Innsbruck and a sports and training centre for the German armed forces.

„Increased safety awareness regarding load detection is clearly reflected in the requirements of users and planners.  With our extensive product portfolio of control systems and various equipment options for our chain hoists, we can react flexibly to customer requirements and offer fitting solutions,” commented Alexander Hartung.

Captions: 8-ch Controller Serie CM-850, BGV-D8plus, Installation D8plus Kettenzüge Effenar Eindhoven, Funkfernbedienung Serie CM-850 (photos: ChainMaster)

ChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH
Uferstraße 23, D-04838 Eilenburg, Germany
Contact: Alexander Hartung
Phone: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-0
Fax: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-21

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