Start WP - Pressefächer ChainMaster Training programme for chain hoists and controllers at ChainMaster

Training programme for chain hoists and controllers at ChainMaster


CM_Training_2017_webDates for 2018

ChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH is once again in 2018 organizing training seminars devoted to BGV D8 / D8plus chain hoists and controllers. These will be held in the 38th calendar week.

Those attending the workshops under the direction of Matthias Pohl and Stephan Geidel will obtain an overview of the SQ P2 standards as well as the proper handling, maintenance and testing of ChainMaster chain hoists. The requisite information will be presented in both theoretical and practical form. Participants will learn to conduct tests and perform adjustments to the various safety devices unassisted. They will also obtain the knowledge needed to select the right chain hoists and controllers for different applications and environments. Participants will then be tested and personal certificates issued to all who successfully complete the course.

The courses run from Monday to Wednesday and involve both the theory and the practice of handling BGV D8 / D8plus chain hoists. They cover the legal fundamentals as well as the equipment, construction and manner of operation of chain hoists and their controllers.

Outside the dates listed, courses can be booked separately by companies and educational institutions. Further information concerning the courses can be found at

Caption: Training seminar 2017 (photo: ChainMaster)

ChainMaster Bühnentechnik GmbH
Uferstraße 23
D-04838 Eilenburg, Germany
Contact: Alexander Hartung
Phone : +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-0
Fax: +49 (0) 34 23 / 69 22-21

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