Start WP - Pressefächer MBA Design Interactive sound wall from MBA wins iF product design award 2011

Interactive sound wall from MBA wins iF product design award 2011


Soundwall_DisplaywebThe mila-wall® sound wall from MBA Design & Display Produkt GmbH of Reutlingen has won the iF product design award 2011 in the category „public design / interior design“. MBA has already with its mila-wall® technology won several international design awards in recent years for innovation, design and quality.

The interactive mila-wall@ sound wall makes possible the integration of speech, texts, sounds and noises into room structures and installations without visible loudspeakers. For this purpose, the modules are equipped with integrated sound sources connected to touch-sensitive sensors. Each wall is capable of accommodating up to 16 sensors, which can be placed anywhere on the surface. In a manner similar to that of a touch screen, text and musical data can in this way be accessed interactively.

The mila-wall@ modular construction system developed by MBA can be used simply, swiftly and creatively for exhibitions and presentations. Modular room structures without visible system hardware can be realized in very little time using the wall units. The wall modules can then be redeployed for further projects when the exhibition closes. Due to the fact that it can be used and reused over a long period, mila-wall@ makes a considerable contribution to sustainability.


As a „hallmark of good design“ recognized worldwide, the coveted iF product design award recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of design. It serves as a platform for the professional appraisal of the design quality of a company’s products.

This year the international jury gave awards to 993 products that were able to prevail against highly qualified international competition: in all some 2,756 entries were submitted by 1,121 competitors from 43 different countries.

All winning entries are entitled to bear the iF logo and use it in their marketing. The prize-winning products will also be presented at the iF product design award exhibition 2011, which opens on the 1st March 2011 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds. A further important inducement to competitors is the inclusion of all award-winning entries in the iF product design award yearbook 2011. Furthermore, from March 2011 onwards all the prize-winning products will be exhibits in an online exhibition at the international design platform

Caption: mila-wall@ sound wall (Photo: MBA, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

MBA Design & Display Produkt GmbH
MBA is the developer, manufacturer and distributer of modular walls, room construction systems and self-adhesive surfaces. Its most important product is called mila-wall®. Developed by MBA, the mila-wall® modular construction system makes possible the simple, flexible and creative use of modular room structures without visible system hardware for exhibitions and presentations. MBA holds patents and trade marks for mila-wall® in North America, Japan, China, Europe and the countries of South America. Founded in 1975, the company has already won multiple national and international awards for its innovations.

MBA Design & Display Produkt GmbH
Siemensstraße 32
D-72766 Reutlingen, Germany
Tel.:+49 (0) 71 21 / 16 06-0
Fax:+49 (0) 71 21 / 4 42 11
Contact: Markus Militzer


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