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Review of the year: Megaforce reports a positive balance for 2018


Michael_Brombacher_Megaforce_webMegaforce Bühnen- und Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH had an exceptionally exciting and successful year 2018. The two top Germany tours of Helene Fischer and Die Toten Hosen were the absolute high points in the calendar of events for the stage construction specialist from Weingarten near Karlsruhe. „For us, the 2018 season was a very successful one with many highlights and wonderful events. At this point, a big compliment to the entire Megaforce team,” says Megaforce Managing Director Michael Brombacher.

The custom-made stage drew a great deal of attention during the Helene Fischer tour: „The decision was made to construct a stage specially designed for the Stadium Tour 2018, which, as an unique structure, would provide a suitable setting for Helene Fischer’s show of superlatives and be one hundred percent tailored to the needs of the artist,“ recalls Michael Brombacher. „Despite a very short lead time, we were able to plan, produce and build this spectacular stage at Megaforce.”

The Toten Hosen shows were also demanding projects for Megaforce, as three different sized configurations of the actual tour stage, a modified Megaforce TVG I with extensions, were used. The Standard, XL and XXL sizes were adapted to the respective location and the number of visitors. This posed a special challenge, especially as the stage for Die Toten Hosen had elaborate bannering and branding. For this reason, a separate, illuminated skull logo construction was produced as an additional graphic stage element.

Michael Brombacher also sees the general development of Megaforce very positively: „Through the consistent focus on stage construction, the implementation of our corporate philosophy – ‘We live Rock n‘ Roll. Together with passion’ and internal restructuring since 2016, we have been able to continuously improve our annual results. The Helene Fischer and Die Tote Hosen tours resulted in a significant, additional increase in sales in 2018.”

Although the customized construction for Helene Fischer involved considerable investments, it also led to an expansion of the service portfolio as well as an increase in the material stock. „We want to increase our competitiveness not only nationally but also internationally and above all invest in the expansion of technical innovations, such as the realization of large LED surfaces in flying construction,“ says Brombacher.

Thanks to its flexibility and broad range of services combined with the highest technical quality, Megaforce was able to significantly increase the number of returning customers and projects in 2018. And they want to continue to rely on quality produced within their own company in the future: „The high technical quality of our structures and the constant further development of our stage systems have top priority for us. To meet these goals, we increased the number of staff in our technical office in 2018 and appointed Andreas Kaub as head of the technical office,“ reports the Megaforce managing director, adding: „In addition to the technical quality of our projects, our portfolio also includes a high and complex range of services. In order to ensure that our quality in the service sector remains at a consistently high level for the future, we began to set up a quality management system in 2018.“

Megaforce currently has a very good market position in Central Europe, of which the company is very proud. In Eastern Europe, Loud Music Entertainment has become the perfect strategic partner. Loud Music Entertainment took over a Megaforce stage in 2017 and thus guarantees a presence in Eastern Europe with the usual Megaforce quality also with regard to international productions and tours. Michael Brombacher: „We see ourselves as strategic partners and work closely together in the areas of know-how sharing, technology, logistics and personnel and maintain a constant dialogue.”

Captions: Michael Brombacher, Helene Fischer side stage (Photos: Megaforce, may be reproduced freely provided the source is named)

Megaforce Bühnen- und Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH
The owner-managed company Megaforce from Weingarten near Karlsruhe has been active as a technical service provider in the event industry since 1992. In addition to services in the fields of event infrastructure, event construction and unique structures, its portfolio includes its own developments such as classic arched stages, tower stages for open-air use, center stages for indoor use and custom-designed special stages.

Megaforce Bühnen- und Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH
Jöhlinger Straße 118
76356 Weingarten
Contact: Melanie Brombacher
phone: +49 (0)72 44 / 72 02-0

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