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Movecat trains international team from PRG


Movecat_PRG_Seminar_181110_webThe partnership between Movecat and the Production Resource Group (PRG), which began at the end of last year, has further intensified. Following the integration of a large amount of kinetic equipment from Movecat into the PRG portfolio, the next step took the form of comprehensive training in the devices concerned. To this end, a large team from the three PRG locations in England, Belgium and Germany travelled recently to Movecat’s headquarters in Nufringen, which is near Stuttgart. Over the course of three days, the participants received comprehensive training in the operation of Movecat products as well as learning tips and tricks known only to advanced users.

The aim of the training was to assist the PRG employees in becoming well-versed contact partners for the company’s international clients, capable with their know-how and expertise of providing them with invaluable support in the implementation of their commissions and projects. A further aim was for these employees to serve in a sense as ‚ambassadors‘ capable of passing on their knowledge to their colleagues.

„It was very important to us that a team from Belgium, England and Germany should spend a few days at the Movecat headquarters in Nufringen,“ explained Executive Vice President & COO PRG EMEA Gary Boyd. „In this way, we can be sure of having trained experts in all regions capable of placing their knowledge at the disposal not only of our own employees but also of our customers.“

Caption: Movecat trains international team from PRG (Photo: PRG)

Movecat GmbH
Movecat is currently the only manufacturer of kinetic equipment for the stage anywhere in the world capable of offering practice-tested, certified and genuinely available integrated systems compliant with BGV C1 and SIL3 – these consisting of chain hoists, trolleys, band hoists, winches, turntables, load-measurement systems and networks. The company was founded in 1986 by Andrew and Thomas Abele. The products are developed and manufactured in Germany. Movecat’s kinetic solutions are used in high profile shows, tours and TV productions not only in Germany but throughout the world. The company has garnered a host of distinctions in recent years including the TOP 100 Award, the German Design Award, the P.I.P.A. Award, the Industry Prize and the VR Innovation Prize.

Movecat GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 21
D-71154 Nufringen
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Angelika Dallmann

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