Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat presents I-Motion V2 software for Show Controller

Movecat presents I-Motion V2 software for Show Controller


MovecatExpert-T_Modell_IIwebAfter wide-ranging practical tests, Movecat is presenting exclusively for the Prolight+Sound 2012 Version 2 of its I-Motion software. It includes numerous new features. Among them are an optimized graphic display, freely configurable page views for a clearer overview when large numbers of drives are involved, additional safety-relevant indicators, and enhanced performance through the integration of a powerful database.

Furthermore, with I-Motion V2 an expanded cue functionality is possible. Movecat calls this ‚multi-drive‘. One of the advantages of Multi-drive is the multiple selection and deselection of individual hoists in a cue, which makes simpler programming of complex show sequences possible.

This new version of the software will be supplied with the I-Motion controllers Expert-T II, Basic and Basic-S from March onwards. An upgrade is available for existing I-Motion controllers.

Please visit us at Booth D84 in Hall 9 at the Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt to see other new products in our range of D8 Plus hoists. Here we are showing practical and safety-relevant further developments and extensions in the direction of D8 (Plus)² for greater utility and safety with identical handling.  Among the controllers of the tried-and-tested MPC series from Movecat there are also new products and further developments that we are presenting for the first time at the fair.

Caption: Movecat Expert-T II (Photo: Think Abele)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Andrew Abele


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