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Record attendance at the Prolight + Sound 2013


Movecat-Prolight_Sound_2013webMovecat delighted with successful trade fair appearance

More than 113,000 visitors from 142 countries attended this year’s twin trade fairs, the Prolight + Sound and the Musikmesse, in Frankfurt – a record attendance. “We didn’t count the number of people visiting our booth, but it was the most enthusiastic response we’ve ever had,” reports Movecat’s Andrew Abele. “It’s fair to say, then, that our appearance at this year’s Prolight + Sound was a most gratifying experience.”

The emphasis of Movecat’s trade fair presentation was on new features, significant improvements in performance and further optimizations in terms of device and functional safety. With these Movecat is pressing its claim to market leadership in the field of kinetic applications for the stage and studio. “With our equipment and our systematic solutions, we are making a truly effective contribution to the sustained efficiency and future security of our customers’ investments,” affirms Andrew Abele.
Among the new products from Movecat making the greatest stir were the Network Master Box NMB-12, a variation for fast-running drives; the innovative Movecat NTB-LWL fibre-optic system, which allows devices to be controlled from distances up to 250 metres; the expansion of Movecat’s well-established LMS Load Measurement System, featuring special load-measuring eyelets for Movecat chain hoists; updates to the VMK hoists to achieve higher performance whilst generating less noise; and Movecat’s new  Spring-Loaded Cable Drum for separate cable feeds. Movecat also presented Version II of its tried-and-tested Touring Rack at the fair in Frankfurt.

As is ever the case with Movecat, the central idea was that of the system: with Movecat equipment, it is now possible to put together the most comprehensive overall system for kinetic applications available anywhere in the world.

Caption: The Movecat booth at the Prolight + Sound (Photo: Think Abele)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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