Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat presents the compact PLUS and PLUSlite 1000-4 chain hoist

Movecat presents the compact PLUS and PLUSlite 1000-4 chain hoist


MovecatPlus1000-4webWith its handy D8 Plus chain hoist, Movecat is satisfying the oft-expressed wish of many users for a single-line chain hoist capable of lifting a safe working load of 1,000 kg at a speed of 4 m/min. The Movecat PLUS and PLUSlite 1000-4 is based on the current DIN 56950-1:2012-5 standard and satisfies the BG requirements in full. The mechanism is designed to accommodate twice the nominal load. The chain exhibits dynamic and static safety factors of 8:1 and 10:1 respectively.

With its compact, cast aluminium housing, 9 x 27 load chain, two robust handles and total weight of only 115 kg, the new chain hoist is especially well-suited to daily touring and rental use. Above all when used as a climbing hoist in combination with the Movecat Case, which was developed in close cooperation with users, ideal operation is guaranteed, as the chain-hoist can climb and retract independently drawing its power from the case.

In other respects the technical features correspond to those of the tried-and-tested PLUS and PLUSlite series. Accordingly the PLUSlite 1000-4 chain hoist can be used in either overhead or standard installations positions without conversion and is fitted with a patented friction clutch as overload protection, as well as offering continuous force and form closure in the load line, a braking system with two independent DC brakes and a Basic Plate chain guide. A further plus is the hoist’s single-eyelet suspension. Chain hooks are available as an alternative. The feature set is completed by the option of retrofitting gear limit switches as well as incremental and absolute encoders. Dual chainfall operation of the PLUS and PLUSlite 1000-4 chain hoist is also possible, in which case a safe working load of 2,000 kg can be lifted at a speed of 2 m/min.

The PLUS and PLUSlite 1000-4 is available in both DC (direct control) and RC (remote control/low-voltage 24 VDC) versions and is CE-compliant, tested, and ready for operation at the time of delivery. The UVV certificate prescribed by the BGV guidelines for mobile applications showing that the device was tested by an expert prior to first use and the VDE 0701/0702 initial test certificate are included in the delivery. The chain hoist is designed for operation with Movecat phase-changing controllers in accordance with DIN 60204-32 and EN 13849-1 and when used accordingly is certified as CE compliant provided the instructions set out in the user manual are adhered to.

Caption: the Movecat PLUS 1000-4 (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Andrew Abele

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