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Movecat extends load measurement options


Movecat_LME_AusschnittwebMovecat has extended the possibilities for load measurement by introducing new load-measuring eyelets with the designation „LME“ for chain hoists from Movecat as well as compatible equipment. LMEs can be substituted by users quickly and easily for existing, standard motor, single-hole suspension eyelets. They contain all maintenance-free, function-relevant components such as the load measuring module (LMS) and evaluation electronics. The signals are output via a C4MC plug-in connector. In addition, Movecat has integrated into the design-protected load-measuring eyelets a ripping protection and a load-independent test device. The use of Movecat LMEs avoids the often considerable loss of installation height associated with standard load-measuring eyelets and makes possible the unlimited use of a standard shackle.

The Movecat LMS is designed as a dynamic measuring module that determines continuously the effective load condition. The values can be output and evaluated in real time in combination with a load-measurement controller such as the Movecat MPC 4ID8. In this combination, the requirements of the  igvw SQ P2 standard (§§ 4.1.2/3 and 5.3) with respect to the effectiveness of protection against overload and underload are complied with in full.

Caption: Movecat LME (photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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