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Cologne Hunters Licht & Ton Service GmbH expands its kinetic equipment


Skoda_Mazda_Cologne_Hunters_webFounded in 1992, Cologne Hunters Licht & Ton Service GmbH specializes in events equipment, with the emphasis on lighting, sound and video. In the field of daylight for international trade fairswhe – ther open to the general public or reserved for dealers and buyers – the company has established itself in recent years as one of the leading suppliers.

For this reason, the company relies invariably upon professional equipment from established brands, which is why once again it has invested in chain hoists and chain-hoist controllers from Movecat.

The devices were deployed for the first time at the IAA motor show in Frankfurt, where the stands of Skoda and Mazda were equipped with ninety Movecat PLUSlite 500 kg D8+ and twenty-four Movecat ECOlite 250 kg hoists. A further twelve Movecat VMK-S II hoists were used for the highly dynamic and dramatic unveiling of three cars.

On the Skoda booth, the lighting and truss design was the work of the studio for lighting design and technical concepts RGB GmbH and implemented by Cologne Hunters. On the Mazda booth, it was Cologne Hunters that was responsible for both the overall design and the development including installation and onsite implementation.

When the fair was over, the Movecat chain hoists were despatched to Japan to be employed by Cologne Hunters again at the Tokyo Motor Show.

“Movecat, in our opinion, offers the mot reliable and innovative products both for installation work involving complex structures and for the scenic movement of loads above people’s heads,” says Technical Director Daniel Will of Cologne Hunters. “We are particularly convinced by its achievements in the field of controllers, and regard the 32-unit Touring Racks as an especially interesting innovation. “In terms of reliability, too, we have found in Think Abele a partner that delivers products requiring very little expensive servicing and maintenance, which, from a commercial viewpoint, is a factor not lightly to be ignored.”

Caption: Mazda booth (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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