Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat UPplus electric chain hoist facilitates rapid setting-up and dismantling

Movecat UPplus electric chain hoist facilitates rapid setting-up and dismantling


Movecat_UPplus_webMovecat designed the UPplus D8 Plus electric chain hoist, which is based on the Compact series, especially for rigging applications involving the setting-up and dismantling of stage and studio sets on tour. The fact that it facilitates rapid setting up and dismantling without the otherwise obligatory ’second safety component‘ during D8 applications is one of the greatest advantages of the UPplus.

Packed in a closed, light metal housing, the Movecat UPplus also convinces with its spectacular ratio of unladen weight (33.5 kg including 18 metres of chain) to load-bearing capacity (250 kg per hoist). Two specially developed, independent and maintenance-free brakes and an overload friction clutch guarantee safe operation even during prolonged use. All bearing parts have a safety factor of 10.

The UPplus is available in both DC (direct control 400 V AC) and RC (remote control/low voltage 24 V DC) versions. The UPplus chain hoist is designed for operation with Movecat phase-changing controllers in accordance with DIN 60204-32 and EN 13849-1, and when used accordingly is certified as CE compliant, provided the instructions set out in the user manual are followed.

Caption: The Movecat UPplus (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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