Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat wins P.I.P.A. Award 2018 for Touring Rack 2

Movecat wins P.I.P.A. Award 2018 for Touring Rack 2


PIPA-AwardwebMovecat is delighted to have received a P.I.P.A. Award at the Prolight + Sound 2018. The P.I.P.A. Awards are presented by over 40 international trade magazines to honour the best products at the trade fair in 13 categories. Due to the fact that they represent the views of industry specialists from all over the world, they are often described as the „Grammys of the pro audio and lighting industries“.

Movecat won its P.I.P.A. Award in the category „Best Stage Technology“ for the development of the Touring Rack 2 in the TD8 series. The prestigious trophy was presented to Movecat CEO Andrew Abele, who commented: „We are extremely gratified by the recognition of this development, with which we have set new standards in compactness, user-friendliness and safety for motor controllers in the BGV D8 and IGVW SQ P2 D8 Plus categories.“

The All-in-One Touring Racks in the Movecat TD8 series comply with the EN 60204-32, EN 13849-1 and VDE 0113 guidelines. The racks unite all the control components required for operation in a compact, shock-absorbent road case. The integrated power station not only assumes responsibility for the distribution and protection of the controller units but also monitors the power supply and even corrects automatically the rotating field, should that ever prove necessary. The safety strategy is complimented by an intelligent bypass concept as well as the tried-and-tested Movecat M-Link system, which provides for the combined operation of up to twelve TD8 racks and a maximum of 384 drives in a network.

Caption: Andrew Abele is delighted with the P.I.P.A. Award for the Touring Rack 2 from Movecat (Photo: P.I.P.A. Award)

Movecat GmbH
Movecat is currently the only manufacturer of kinetic equipment for the stage anywhere in the world capable of offering practice-tested, certified and genuinely available integrated systems compliant with BGV C1 and SIL3 – these consisting of chain hoists, trolleys, band hoists, winches, turntables, load-measurement systems and networks. The company was founded in 1986 by Andrew and Thomas Abele. Movecat products are both developed and manufactured in Germany. Kinetic solutions from Movecat are widely used in big-name national and international shows, tours and TV productions. The company was recently distinguished with a TOP 100 award as well as winning the VR Innovation Prize for Medium-Sized Companies of the cooperative financial group Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken in 2015.

Movecat GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
71154 Nufringen
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Angelika Dallmann

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